What internal conflict was I engaged in instead of improving a piece of writing from a place of love and empathy?
Read More...What internal conflict was I engaged in instead of improving a piece of writing from a place of love and empathy?
Read More...When your job is to sweat the small stuff, it can be overwhelming. The reality is that amid deadlines, you usually have to prioritize.
Read More...Every once in a while, there is an important edit that anyone could make. The rest of the time is when you earn your keep as an editor.
Read More...Someone asked, “Why does everything have to be about race?” Increasingly, my answer is, “Because everything *is* about race.”
Read More...It’s okay to let language stretch and breathe. It has always done so anyway without asking for our permission.
Read More...Tracey Chattaway’s “Sailing Home” is one of my new favorites on my 2024 editing playlist. I’m happy to still be here to share it with you.
Read More...A tweet and a song last night sent me down memory lane about writing on an unforgiving deadline, and the things our brains do to try to help.
Read More...A scene in “Mad Men” (“Dark Shadows,” Season 5, ep. 8) delights me in how it illustrates that language changes from generation to generation.
Read More...While Donald Trump is being inaugurated, I’ll be watching “Hidden Figures.” Here’s why.