If you need something satisfying to say after you toss something out of your life, this kid, via Charlie Jane Anders, has the perfect dunk.
Read More...If you need something satisfying to say after you toss something out of your life, this kid, via Charlie Jane Anders, has the perfect dunk.
Read More...The fresh start of each morning is a different feeling — like turning “Groundhog Day” sideways, but with me being the one hitting the reset button each night before closing my eyes.
Read More...It’s hard to function without separating fact from fiction. A follow-up to my post about the greatest fact-checking lesson of my life.
Read More...Published February 2, 2018
The mass shooting Wednesday in Parkland, Florida, and the public reactions from students who survived it caused me to think a lot about high school. During my four years, nothing remotely close to it ever happened. Until Columbine in April 1999, something like that occurring on a high school campus was largely unimaginable to me.