The one where we learn what I have in common with Crash Davis (except, in all honesty, I get the words wrong on a lot of songs). Still …
If you need something satisfying to say after you toss something out of your life, this kid, via Charlie Jane Anders, has the perfect dunk.
A bully, a coach and a nun did me wrong when I was a child. Sometimes, evil literally whips your ass.
Published June 17, 2018
Lady Bird was released in December, but I didn’t get around to watching it until awards season, just before the Oscars. I meant to write something about it sooner, but life got in the way. I loved it enough to buy it, and I re-watched it this weekend.

Published May 3, 2018
My desire to see “The Post” owed mostly to my long career in newspapers, but motivations are often complex, and that was true about my interest in this movie. A believer in the role that newspapers have as watchdog, I felt an extra pull to view Tom Hanks as Ben Bradlee and Meryl Streep as Katharine Graham. Those characters, the editor and the publisher of The Washington Post at the time of the controversial public disclosure of the Pentagon Papers, have been well known to me for decades.