I went out Sunday and took photos of trees against sunny skies, and then I saw this under my apartment window. It reminded me of a song.
Read More...I went out Sunday and took photos of trees against sunny skies, and then I saw this under my apartment window. It reminded me of a song.
Read More...When I lived there from 2010 to early 2013, they regularly bombed my Honda Civic. More than a decade later, they dropped a hello on my Accord.
Read More...The voice reminded me that I live in Washington. I can easily travel to Oregon and return to Washington. I live in the Pacific Northwest.
Read More...My health and ADHD and late-night work schedule being what they are, checking things off my to-do list can be challenging.
Read More...Not everything will be on the blog, and I am still working on how to send email notifications for some posts but not all.
Read More...I’m writing this for me. By any of today’s guidelines and metrics, it’s too long. But it feels like the right way to take stock of my career.
Read More...When I moved to Oregon in 2010, I was hoping to find a place to live where I wouldn’t think I was still in Louisiana.
Read More...Ten years ago today, I got in my Honda Civic to start a 3,140-mile drive to a new home and a new life.
Read More...There’s nothing like listening to “September Fifteenth” and remembering being on the road to becoming me — in the driver’s seat, not a passenger.
Read More...“Leave No Trace” is the best movie I’ve seen in months and belies its title by leaving a substantial part of itself with the viewer.