Even if the threat is all we have to deal with and our freedom and lifesaving healthcare is never taken away from us, it’s there every day.
Read More...Even if the threat is all we have to deal with and our freedom and lifesaving healthcare is never taken away from us, it’s there every day.
Read More...Any excuse to watch “WarGames” again is a good one, and I had a good one. I struck out initially but found what I was researching.
Read More...I didn’t focus on Saoirse Ronan’s acting, which she made easy for me. I got lost in the story of Eilis Lacy, the young woman she plays.
Read More...“Not everyone is an addict, but everyone has something that threatens to take them down. Life doesn’t get easy. It just gets less hard.”
Read More...What does an image of a colorful butterfly and a human brain have to do with the 2012 Bourne movie? You’ll have to read to find out.
Read More...Having finally seen “13 going on 30,” I can report that the 2004 movie starring Jennifer Garner has given me a new favorite line.
Read More...This quote delivered by Philip Seymour Hoffman in his role as rock critic Lester Bangs remains my favorite line from “Almost Famous.”
Read More...I have some thoughts about revisiting “Ruby in Paradise” a long, long time after seeing it for the first time, unaware of who Ashley Judd was at the time.
Read More...“It seems to me that the first thing we have to do is to separate out the things that are pleasant from the things that are unpleasant.” Hmm …
Read More...“Leave No Trace” is the best movie I’ve seen in months and belies its title by leaving a substantial part of itself with the viewer.