As the attack on transgender people continues in America and companies are complying in advance with illegal executive orders, I’m in trouble.
Read More...As the attack on transgender people continues in America and companies are complying in advance with illegal executive orders, I’m in trouble.
Read More...Being civil to people who were complicit in what’s happening, who helped put the rope around my neck, is not on my to-do list.
Read More...This is the story of my three-year hell as a trans woman working for a NYT-owned company. I might be fired, but I can’t stay silent anymore.
Read More...People are just going about their business. Don’t they know what the election will mean for me and people like me? Don’t they care?
Read More...I still can’t handle much right now, and something tells me I am going to need every ounce of energy I can muster for whatever’s next.
Read More...It was an awful one, and it might be the last one in my lifetime the U.S. government acknowledges. It might even be illegal next year.
Read More...I’ve been unable to focus on anything for days, but a phrase comes to mind: “Nevertheless, she persisted.” The future, the work, starts now.
Read More...My dad died Nov. 1, 1980. I’ve told you that and about him. This time I’ve got a story for you that few people know. Bonus fright included.
Read More...There are too many places for my addled brain to land as pieces of memories of Souther and his music float back to me today.
Read More...The headline, I’d imagine, is its own content warning, but let me be clear here: This is about suicide and suicidal ideation. It’s about me.