I will spend Transgender Day of Visibility mostly hiding, and letting others do the talking for me and for us.
Read More...I will spend Transgender Day of Visibility mostly hiding, and letting others do the talking for me and for us.
Read More...A co-worker’s story timed for the 30th anniversary of “A League of Their Own” inspired me to tell a story I’ve kept to myself till now.
Read More...How scary was it to come out five years ago? Read on and find out, but be warned it gets a bit icky.
Read More...Three years ago today, I came out as a transgender woman. The past year has been the hardest of the three.
Read More...The first two people I bumped into on my first day at work openly as a woman were men. My brief interactions with them helped to ease my anxiety about such a big day.
Read More...I came out to my therapist as transgender long before coming out to you. This week, we reflected on that turning point in my journey.
Read More...Two years after coming out as a transgender woman, I use a lot of words to say a little bit more about that journey.
Read More...Trying to put together furniture from Ikea reduced me to tears, and then something unexpected and ultimately transforming happened.
Read More...The time I wrote about “the unbearable lightness of lightness,” unpeeling and yet still hiding the real me.
Read More...A pause on my Monday morning to post a foreword of sorts to what I plan to be a series of blog posts celebrating and processing the first anniversary of my coming out as transgender.