Published on October 24, 2023
The two words revisit my brain annually from September through January. They begin to circulate widely again in early to mid-September, so they are hard to miss.
Never forget.
I don’t think that one needs any explanation. You can’t get through a September in America without hearing it. And I know why people say it, but it’s literally the easiest thing in my lifetime for me to never forget. Literally. The. Easiest.
But why do those words stay with me into January every year? Lots of reasons, and they all relate to something else I am never going to be able to forget: the ongoing attempt(s) to bring an end to this country as we know it, the assault on democracy and the rule of law.
October surprises. November shockers. December numbness. January chaos. Late in every year and early into the next are reminders or anniversaries of things previously unimaginable, at least to me.
I used the word “literally” earlier with intention. My pick for the featured image above, in this case a screenshot from “The Good Place,” was another purposeful choice. It’s from the series finale, titled “Whenever You’re Ready.” Chidi and Eleanor go to Athens, see the Acropolis and visit the Pnyx, prompting Chidi to note its historical significance as a place for Athenians to gather and hear discussions about their city and its laws.
This is literally where democracy started.”
(I’m not interested in arguing about whether we are a democracy, a democratic republic, a constitutional federal republic or a floor wax and a dessert topping. Democracy is a big part of how we’re set up so we can govern ourselves rather than be ruled by a dictator, an autocrat or a totalitarian system. Don’t be a pedantic dick.)
As we continue to hold people accountable for the things I know I don’t have to spell out for you, I keep being reminded that I will never forget. I’ll never forget the destruction of norms and safeguards, of the social contract, of respect for a safe transfer of power, and so much more.
I will never forget, and I am not likely to forgive.