Published: August 26, 2024
The month isn’t over, and so I decided to share this with you.
I’ve become a fan of the Wild Woman Rising calendar. From time to time, I make a collage like the one pictured above. This one particularly spoke to me at a time when I needed it.
Contrary to popular cultural beliefs, you were not born to pay bills and then die.
You are a dwelling place of spirit, the home to a soul. Be softer with yourself. Go gently, love fiercely, melt eagerly, and soften. It is in your best interest to be tender with yourself, for in that tenderness, Wild Woman rises.
This paired well with the featured card at my workstation this month. It’s from the collection of Affirmation Cards for Editors made and sold by my friend Nadia Geagea Pupa’s Pique Publishing. The card I chose for August says:
I am human. We all make mistakes. I will not be too hard on myself.”
Can you imagine? Not beating yourself up over an error?
Shall we try it? Let’s.
Erin Willard
Thank you for this post. I expect I’ll be returning to it from time to time.