Published October 23, 2024
Some years ago, I noticed that on one of the prominent movie-related sites, Wilford Brimley’s character in “Absence of Malice” was listed as James A. Wells in a list of quotes from the movie.
That didn’t sound right to me. As soon as I could, I watched it again.
Wrong middle initial. It’s James J. Wells.
Well, now, let the record show that I’m James J. Wells, assistant attorney general for the organized crime division of the United States Department of Justice.”
I posted about it on social media.
Because. It’s. Important.
Last night I checked the site again, and it’s been corrected. Yay!
Did I have anything to do with that? I doubt it. But I have to say it’s satisfying.
Why am I like this? I don’t know. I just am.
Fact check keyboard image by David Carillet via Shutterstock.