I’m not well. So with snow falling and snow on the ground, I do still have something for you on this Valentine’s Day. Enjoy.
Read More...I’m not well. So with snow falling and snow on the ground, I do still have something for you on this Valentine’s Day. Enjoy.
Read More...You should read every word of the truth, no matter what it costs. Most cisgender people I know don’t have any idea about any of this.
Read More...As the attack on transgender people continues in America and companies are complying in advance with illegal executive orders, I’m in trouble.
Read More...Many people are in a cult right now, one that will do far worse damage than Jim Jones did in 1978. What will it take for them to wake up?
Read More...We can no longer see the forest for the trees, and that’s the point of the games they’ve been playing with us for years.
Read More...The curious case of a trans woman at a New York Times-owned company who’s been there 4 years and in journalism for nearly 42.
Read More...Anyone voting Republican since 2015 has no excuse for not knowing what they’ve enabled and are complicit in. Own your shit.
Read More...Being civil to people who were complicit in what’s happening, who helped put the rope around my neck, is not on my to-do list.
Read More...Terrified doesn’t begin to cover how I feel today. Day 1 is tomorrow. My whole-body shaking is worse today than the day after the election.
Read More...That’s a hug blanket someone sent me even before the story. I appreciate and return the hugs and love today.