More than half of my time as an out trans woman has been spent in seclusion, which may be why I typed “three years ago today” at first.
Read More...I will spend Transgender Day of Visibility mostly hiding, and letting others do the talking for me and for us.
Read More...A co-worker’s story timed for the 30th anniversary of “A League of Their Own” inspired me to tell a story I’ve kept to myself till now.
Read More...How scary was it to come out five years ago? Read on and find out, but be warned it gets a bit icky.
Read More...My connection to the home run chase for 61 literally starts at birth and continues today.
Read More...I closed my bedroom door after 9/11. Whatever evil lurked outside my apartment would have to open an extra door to find me.
Read More...This story the day after Nanci Griffith’s death will always be incomplete, because how can I tell you about the 10-year-old friend I never had?
Read More...I wrote a poem about the last Blockbuster still in operation, but it’s also about returning to a time gone by and maybe even a flame that still flickers.
Read More...A 2005 column I wrote came from a part of my brain not normally accessed when I typed my thoughts on a laptop.