The menu buttons at the top of pages are mapped to specific types of content. About takes you to more info about me and the site. Blog is a category link to posts designated as such. Long Form is in development, so it doesn’t yet link to content (but here’s a brief explanation of what’s to come). Extras are discoverable several ways, and the drop-down menu below that button contains category links to Audio, Coolest Thing I Learned Today, Movie Quote Stuck in My Head, and What I Am Reading.
The Search the Site tool on the sidebar on the right side of pages, below the Subscribe tool, lets you find posts by keyword, phrases or subject line. Type in a word or two, and you’ll see a drop-down list of search results. Click on the appropriate one.
Categories are just that, in the parlance of WordPress, and they are listed on the sidebar, below the search tool. Click on a category to see every post with its designation.
Below that you’ll find Recent Posts, a clickable list of the past few entries on the site.
Farther down, below my Twitter section, you’ll see Monthly Archives of all content. You can look for posts this way if you prefer.
Below that, Tags give you another way to find potential areas of interest. Clicking on the memory tag will take you to a list of all posts that touch on that theme in some way. The same list of tags is also at the bottom of most pages.
A button on the lower left of most pages takes you back to the top of and refreshes the Home page.
My ideas for the website don’t align with the typical WordPress approach, but I hope I’ve given you enough ways to find what you’re looking for. Suggestions and other comments are always welcome. Please note the Contact button at the top of most pages.
Thank you for stopping by.