Published January 28, 2025
What’s that saying? Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it? (Don’t get bogged down in exact wording, lest you prove my point. It’s been said many times in many ways, and we all know what it means.)
And we’re doing it again while the country collapses around us.
What was that we all just saw? Was it this? Was it that? Who can say for sure?
This column in the Irish Examiner gets to the guts of it.
Then there’s this:
It is a deliberate nudge and wink to the far-right ideas you actively hold, bathed in a self-defensive layer of irony from which you can always wriggle, on the grounds that it was just a hilarious joke. “I’m an edgelord, not a Nazi,” you continue to tell yourself even as your every viewpoint calcifies toward the politics of Genghis Khan.
You should read the whole thing. And this:
Nazi bar
We are turning into a Nazi bar, and we are pretending it’s not happening by asking the same questions. Was that really a Nazi salute? How can we know what’s in a man’s heart? Pay attention to what Musk says, where he says it, and what groups perk up when he says it.
These questions about defining what we saw represent a lot of things, but they are also distractions designed to help steal our energy.
We can no longer see the forest for the trees, and that’s the point of the games they’ve been playing with us for years. Does what they did cross the line? We ask that while we slide inch by inch, yard by yard, into authoritarianism and fascism.
They keep moving the line.
Did we learn anything at all from the past? Do we remember it?
Image by Colored Lights via Shutterstock.
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