I’ve been spending time in the early to mid-1980s lately. In my thoughts. In dreams. As I work on a couple of long-term projects. It’s prompted reflection, as you might guess. What do I do or have or know now, I thought to ask myself, that I didn’t do or have or know back then?
Plenty. I didn’t:
- Write blog posts.
- Pick up my phone to check notifications.
- Look at my laptop to check notifications.
- Reset my modem.
- Check the news every few hours.
- Chat with people around the U.S. in real time.
- Ride a stationary bike.
- Sleep without my breathing stopping.
- Wear contact lenses.
- Care about what I wore.
- Look at myself in mirrors.
- Live in the Pacific Northwest.
- Live on the second floor.
- Sleep with windows open.
- Check job listings regularly.
- Have groceries delivered.
- Wear a mask in enclosed spaces.
- Pay with plastic.
- Pay with autopay.
- Have to worry about autoplay.
- Reposition the antenna now and then.
- Wear my hair in a ponytail.
- Wear headbands.
- Wear jewelry.
- Wear … well, lots of things.
- Feel the estrogen.
- Worry every day about fascism.
- Have to think about pre-existing conditions.
- Get mammograms.
- See a therapist.
- Worry all the time about money.
- Use body lotion and other scents.
- Drink coffee.
- Deal with so much misinformation.
- Talk out loud to myself.
- Subscribe to more than one newspaper.
- Think so much about dying.
- Fully appreciate diversity.
- Challenge my long-held beliefs.
- Question who had planted those beliefs.
- Question whether belief was ever a choice.
- Get popcorn at the cinema next door.
- Live downtown.
- Wish so often for do-overs.
- Do battle so often with outdated thinking.
- Scream in a pillow so often.
- Live alcohol-free.
- Have she/her pronouns.
- Hear ignorant takes on pronouns.
- Swipe up, left, right and down.
- Surf the web.
- Have so little faith in humanity.
- Love cats.
- Eat kiwifruit.
- Sort of like my face every now and then.
- Love my low testosterone.
- See language and grammar prescriptivism as a problem.
- See built-in racism in so many places.
- Care so little about who wins the game.
- See how often winning is losing.
- Laugh out loud.
- Bypass small talk for big talk almost exclusively.
- Keep room for church music although I no longer go.
- Granny Smith apples all the way.
- Love quiet so much.
- Think to be grateful.
- Trust that I know who I am.
- See so much hypocrisy everywhere.
- Think that horrible man would ever affect my life so much.
- Have so many friends with new-to-me names.
- Like chorizo.
- Know anything about chorizo.
- Care how the chorizo is made.
- Believe so hard that integrity is everything.
- Hate that so many people still believe the myths.
- Know the real lyrics to so many songs.
- Know how to spot disinformation so quickly.
- Have this much patience with honest effort.
- Say “You’re doing great” as much as possible.
- Realize how full of shit so many adults are.
- Love so many people and things I was taught to fear.
- See “Red Dawn” fans loving an anti-American president of Russia.
- Know who most systems are built to protect and reward.
- And who they’re meant to exclude.
- Love the music of so many names.
- Fully appreciate what living in the subtropics took out of me.
- Feel how much safer the queers are for me than the straights.
- Say “lovely” so much.
- Know the devastation toxic masculinity brings.
- Wish so hard that we’d try new ways.
- Live this much in fear of so-called Christians.
- Have this much empathy and still wonder if it’s enough.
- Know that not all rain leaves bruises.
- Know that not all air is chewable.
- Recognize how perception is reality.
- Know who works overtime to create perception.
- And why.
- Know that those who control the language control the conversation.
- Wear clothes without giving them “man smell.”
- Love my face every now and then.
- Wake up every day curious what fresh hell awaits.
- Wonder so often what is wrong with people.
- Read about pandemic amnesia 100 years ago.
- Understand the Roaring Twenties better.
- Figure I’ve seen favorite ’80s movies enough times now.
- Use a computer without greeting it: “Computer?”
- Scan for viruses and not for life forms.
- Hear iPhone as iPhone, not “eye phone,” which would be cool, no?
- Embrace my neurodivergence.
- Sleep entirely under the covers.
- Feel so vulnerable.
This list is subject to growing over time.
Photo of person writing on paper by gowithstock via Shutterstock.