Published September 11, 2024
You know what today means. What once stood tall above us came down. We watched, horrified. They didn’t just come down, they were taken down. What’s left reminds us.
Three years ago, amid so much more loss, I wrote about 9/11.
In 2021, my Louisiana hometown, Lake Charles, was still reeling from back-to-back hurricanes in 2020, an ice storm that winter and major flooding the following May. It had already lost much of its tree canopy during Hurrricane Rita, and subsequent storms created a lot more sky.
There’s even more sky there now after Saturday’s demolition of a building that Laura shattered into many pieces, sending them flying across downtown.
Today I am thinking about how we keep getting more sky for so many reasons.
May all of your loved ones’ memories be for a blessing.
Aerial photo of 9/11 Memorial park by Nick Starichenko/via Shutterstock.