Almost 100,000 people yelling, there to watch modern gladiators. I was there to witness and tell the story. People wonder if I miss it.
Read More...Almost 100,000 people yelling, there to watch modern gladiators. I was there to witness and tell the story. People wonder if I miss it.
Read More...If you need something satisfying to say after you toss something out of your life, this kid, via Charlie Jane Anders, has the perfect dunk.
Read More...I went out Sunday and took photos of trees against sunny skies, and then I saw this under my apartment window. It reminded me of a song.
Read More...Long ago, I saw the “New Bridge,” as some Baton Rouge folks still call it, as a work in progress. Click through: What’s old is new again.
Read More...Let’s call this a test of the power of the internet. Maybe of appealing to someone’s boredom or ennui. Possibly the power of friendship.
Read More...A college football program that hasn’t won a postseason game since 2002 and lost every game it played in 2023 once had stars who still shine.
Read More...One of Saturday’s college football games took me down memory lane and reminded me of how much context matters when it comes to great plays.
Read More...There are worlds where style and grammar are everything. This is not about them. This is about where there’s so much more editors must do.
Read More...Don Draper said it in the “Mad Men” world of advertising: “Stop writing for other writers.” I heard it long before the show ever aired.
Read More...Given a chance for a do-over in how I’ve done journalism, I’d probably want to break the rules even more often in my writing than I did.