
This site, like me, is a work in progress, and always will be. I’m a writer and copy editor, not a web designer, so the process will require patience as I learn to make the site more the way I envision it, and more easily navigable once different types of content begin appearing here. As explained in my birthday post of October 1, 2017, I also am in transition.

Although some things have changed since I launched this site in 2015, the basics of what this page says are largely the same. Some of what visitors to this site saw at the time was boilerplate (except for the posts), placeholders of the basic framework of a newly installed theme. The plan was for that to gradually change as I looked to see see if I could bend it more to my liking, to my vision for the site. To a large degree, that happened, although there are still elements I haven’t found a way to employ to be true to that vision.

Navigating this website is a page with tips on how to find what you’re looking for here. Note: Dark mode is now available by clicking on the crescent-moon icon you should be able to see in the lower right corner.

In the past several years, I’ve done more editing than writing, the opposite of most of my professional career. This site launched as a way for me to knock off some rust and have a little fun in the process, and eventually put together more thoughtful, serious writing. It’s an adventure, a learning experience, and an enjoyable one. That’s still its reason for being.

Thanks for stopping by, and please consider checking the site every now and then. You can also subscribe through the form on the homepage. I hope you’ll find something you enjoy spending time with here, and I welcome your feedback. The Contact link at the top of each page works now, so feel free to use it. Welcome!

Carly J. Dubois